REDIR: Lifesystems EX4 AntiMosquito for Fabrics-350ml, Unisex-Adult, Black, 350ml
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Lifesystems EX4 AntiMosquito for Fabrics-350ml, Unisex-Adult, Black, 350ml

Categorías: Acampada y senderismo > Productos de mantenimiento > Seguridad y supervivencia >
Marca: Lifesystems
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Precio: 0.00€ (Oferta del 100%)

Lifesystems EX4 AntiMosquito for Fabrics-350ml, Unisex-Adult, Black, 350ml

Precio actualizado hace 112 horas y 17 minutos.
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A spray-on mosquito Repellent treatment for fabrics and textiles
Adds an effective layer of protection to the fibres which lasts for several washes
Ideal for use on clothing, tents, mosquito nets, blankets and sleeping bags
Treats up to 3. 5 square metres of fabric and each treatment lasts for up to 2 weeks
EX4 will last 2 years From when the bottle is first opened

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